T2/T2S Migration Retrospective
It is Thursday 30 March and project staff from financial institutions and employees of Gravning are toasting a successful T2/T2S migration in their regular exchange round. The regular T2 exchange initiated by Gravning at an early stage was unanimous: the migration weekend and the migration with all its obstacles was successful.
Revival… of the fittest? What the Point of Sale has in store for us in 2023.
As 2022 draws to a close, we're already setting the stage for an eventful 2023. While regulation will once again keep many of us on our toes, I'm also eagerly anticipating the future composition of the payment mix. With the dawn of Corona and at the height of the...
Vilja – the Swedish cloud-native banking platform
Fintech vilja has been building a new and cost-efficient banking system for credit and deposit since 2007. Learn about some facets of the Nordic cloud-based fintech in this report.
The Instant Payment Quick Check
The link between regulatory Obligation and successful implementationThe real-time transfer (Instant Payment), which was equipped with the corresponding standard in the SEPA area in 2017, has now established itself in the German payment market. Instant payment, with...
StockRepublic is the Future of Social Trading
From the very beginning, we have shifted our focus to building bridges, and in this context discovered our passion for international fintechs. It started in autumn 2019 with our "Building Bridges" event as part of the Hamburg Fintech Week, where we invited fintechs...
European Collateral Management System ECMS – the next big bang?!
After the Target2 consolidation with ECMS, are the banks facing the next mammoth task?
Digital Euro – background and challenges of this project
Digital Euro – What is behind it and what challenges does this project face?
T2/T2S consolidation – where are Germany’s banks?
The “TARGET2/T2S Consolidation” project was launched by the Eurosystem back in 2017.
Samsung Pay or Google Pay – the self-test
If you can at least say something positive about the current Corona situation, it is the increasing number of contactless payments and their increasing social acceptance. In the past 12 months, mobile payment has finally become part of everyday life in Germany.
“Travelogue” Paying in Mexico
Challenges when paying abroad | A travelogue from Mexico

Contact details
Gravning GmbH
Lutterothstraße 50
20255 Hamburg